Take a Pause

One thing we can all agree on is that life is busy! We are all trying to find the balance, aren’t we? It gets tricky when things start moving quickly and sometimes you don’t feel like you can keep up.  Between work, relationships, family, commitments, and then the necessities like groceries, errands, and laundry, it can get really tough to carve some time out for yourself.  Life is constantly demanding of your attention.

Do you ever feel like everyone wants something from you and there is no space to even catch your breath? When life is at high speed, it’s easy to start feeling frustrated and emotional with no patience for anyone or anything. It’s as if life is pulling you in different directions, and there never seems to be enough time.

If you can relate to any of these examples, it may be a sign that things have moved out of balance. You know how it goes…the to-do list is pages long and the level of expectation that you have placed on yourself is simply unattainable. I mean, everyone on Facebook seems to be able to do everything, be everything, and have a perfect life, right? You are so busy trying to be amazing at everything you do that you push and push until you just have burned yourself out.  Can you relate?  We all can at one time or another!  (And Facebook is full of it, by the way. No one is getting through this life without challenge, heartbreak, sorrow, and unfulfilled dreams. Most people are just not posting about it!)

My friends, it’s time to take a pause!

I have created a short meditation and affirmation statement to help you take a few minutes to reboot. Spending just a few moments tuning into yourself, your breath, and your energy can make a huge difference in the state of your well-being. It’s great for those moments where you feel overwhelmed, emotional, not quite yourself, or even when you are transitioning from one part of your day to the next.

Think of it as a reset button; A simple way to refill your tank so that you can continue to show up fully in all you do and ENJOY your life a bit more. It’s a chance to remember the truth that is within you…you are safe and all is well.

The more often we sloIMG_5463w down, observe, and become present with the moment, the more we begin to recognize that we are so much more than the chaos in the external world.  After all, we are spiritual beings having a human experience. The more we can make a regular practice of taking a pause and getting present, the more easily we can handle the challenges that life throws our way. So set aside a few moments and follow along with this meditation. Take a pause, and take time for you- you deserve it! Be sure to check in and notice how you feel afterward.

You can also use the affirmation statement “I pause, take a breath, and connect with my heart.  I am safe and all is well.”  Say this statement out loud at least 3 times each day, especially in moments where you feel life getting overwhelming. Eventually, this will become a new and positive habit.

If you enjoyed this post, please join my mailing list to be kept up do date with all of the new tips, classes, and events I have going on.  We are all in this together, taking it one breath at a time. Namaste.



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