Lunar Light Creations

Manifesting with the Energies of

The Spring Equinox and The Full Moon

It’s Equinox, a Full Moon, and Mercury is in Retrograde!
Yowzers…That’s a whole lot of energy! 

This season is a time for rebirth, balance, and acceptance. 

It’s an opportunity to find balance between our dark and our light, to understand our own emotions, and to move out of the darkness of our shadows and into the lightness of our being. It’s a new beginning!

We celebrate how far we have come and honor the experiences that have brought us to the present. The joy, the pain, the light, the dark…each has educated us and carried us to this perfect moment here and now.

Would you benefit from some support in staying clear during this time?  Some tools to help you stay grounded and light during this period of transition?

Join Me for a Special Session of

Manifesting with the Energies of the Spring Equinox and the Full Moon

Session is Wednesday, March 20th

What if by using the natural rhythms of the moon and the earth you could clear your unconscious patterns and blocks and begin to manifest what you really want?

How would it feel to know that you are not alone in your particular challenges – that you are supported and understood by others who can relate to what you are going through?

What would happen if you finally decided to love and care for yourself more than your “story” of the past?

This Lunar Group session is done entirely as distance healing.  That means you do not need to commit to a particular time or place in order to reap the benefits!  You are able to go about your regular daily life and will receive detailed notes after the session is complete.

Science tell us that the average person has 50,000 thoughts or more per day.  30,000 of them are unconscious.  Most of our decisions, actions, emotions and behaviors originate beyond our conscious thinking.

That means 95-99% of our life comes from the programming in our subconscious mind!

And it takes more than just positive thinking to break the unconscious habits.  We need to repattern the energetic blueprint and actually create new neural pathways.  That is exactly what we do in the Lunar Group using a healing system called Resonance Repatterning.

By identifying our limiting patterns and blocks and then transforming them, we can change everything about the way we experience our lives, our relationships, and our world.

What does it look like in your life when you clear the unconscious blocks and patterns?

  • Open the energetic doorway for the things you really want to flow into your life

  • Move forward with more ease by transforming blocks and fears that trigger you and keep you stuck in “fight or flight”

  • Reduce your stress level and feel more at peace, no matter what is happening in the external world

  • Discover clarity on what you want in your life as well as what you are ready to let go of

  • Cultivate loving kindness and compassion toward yourself and others

  • Enjoy the flow of more abundance into your life

  • Expand and enhance your creativity

  • Open a space for self-care to become a priority

  • Connect with loved ones in a more conscious and compassionate way

  • Increase your vitality and joy

  • And more…

What is Lunar Light Creations?

The Lunar Group provides support and energy work to assist you in clearing and transforming blocks so you can truly let go of what is no longer serving you. Science tells us that we are all made of energy and are vibrating at a specific frequency.  It’s like a radio station; whatever we are sending out and tuning into is what we are attracting in our lives. It’s called the Law of Vibration and Attraction.


The challenge is that often we are sending out UNCONSCIOUS frequencies that are actually not in alignment with what we want.  These are keeping us from manifesting our intentions!  One great way to clear these blocks is with energy work, support and accountability.  That is what our Lunar Group is all about!


We are gathering to work with the energies of the Spring Equinox and the Full Moon. We also have Mercury Retrograde during this season, so it is jam-packed with heightened energy!   Our session will take place on Wednesday, March 20th.

The Spring Equinox marks a time of balance between light and dark. It reveres the light of the Sun, as well as our own inner light. We are reminded to honor the journey and accept our lives and circumstances without the judgement of “good” or “bad”. 

This season of Rebirth aligns with a Full Moon, the window for acknowledging and releasing any thought patterns and beliefs that are holding us back and hiding in our shadow.

This particular Equinox/Full Moon occurs during a period of Mercury Retrograde, which asks us to pay particular attention to our boundaries (especially in relationships), thought forms that are no longer serving us, as well as provides an opportunity to “clean up” any unfinished business of the past.

The change of season is always a powerful window of energy, and we can all benefit from some extra support during these magnified times.  We can use this time to take action, get specific on what we want to create and release, and blast through any unconscious patterns and blocks that are holding us back.  

Enroll in Lunar Light Creations

Only $44

March 20th

Here is what you get…

  • A group healing session utilizing a variety of modalities including Resonance Repatterning, the energy of the moon, and more!

  • Downloadable and easy to use tools to help shift your vibration and get you into alignment with what you want.

  • Your personal statements, concerns and energy are included in the session.

  • Privacy.  All members and their statements are anonymous, allowing us to work deeply and openly.

  • Email support, including detailed session notes.

  • The opportunity to benefit from Group work…when one person shifts, we are all positively affected.

The session is done remotely,  and you do not need to commit to a particular time or place.  You only need to sign up, have an open heart, and be willing to get clear with your truth and what you are wanting to create.  


Here is how it works…

You submit a form with questions specifically designed to help you harness the energies of the Spring Equinox and the Full Moon.

 It typically takes 5-10 minutes to fill out the form. 

Beth facilitates a distance healing session as you go about your daily life and reap the benefits.

You receive a video summary of the session which includes downloadable statements, tools, and practices you can repeat to help shift and maintain your new vibrational state.

Explore the power of Resonance Repatterning and the Moon.  Open to your potential. Feel supported and understood.  Clear out-dated patterns that are holding you back. Celebrate YOU!

Enroll in Lunar Light Creations

Only $44

March 20th

What Does a Session Look Like?

What People are Saying

“Beth brings an in-the-bones knowledge of the energy systems she uses, along with an innate creativity that gives great depth, heart and substance to her work. Her confidence in the system, coupled with her exquisite ear and knack for getting right to the heart of the issue, makes a session with her a truly transformative joy. My sessions with Beth never fail to lift me to higher states of coherence, peace and a desire for more.”


“Beth’s Lunar Group was a tremendous experience. I can honestly say the work WORKS! Taking the time to focus on my needs was wonderful, calming, and empowering. It helped me focus and stay present on what I truly want and need. Plus seeing what others in the group are also desiring made it more clear that I am not alone in my struggles.  Beth’s guidance and support are remarkable.  I would love to do this again!


“An easy, but valuable tool for growth & clearing out the “psychic & spiritual cobwebs.” The energy of the collective group is powerful as well as supportive; each session feels surprisingly tailor made for me!  It’s almost as if the whole group bonds together to tackle similar issues at the same time, thus creating a remarkable support system. Like anything in life, you will get out of this what you put in, but even if you only “dip your toe in the pool”, my experience has been that there is still value & insights to be gained. Do it. You will marvel at the results.”


“Beth’s Lunar Group went beyond my expectations. The guided questions brought up emotions in me that I didn’t know were there under the surface. The progression led me to a focused, positive outlook on my personal needs and challenges, all while being fully supported by her incredible knowledge and leadership. I felt renewed and empowered!”


“Beth’s Lunar Group allows me to live more deeply and consciously and encourages me to check in with myself amidst the noisiness of life. No matter what I happen to be going through, I find that I am connected and supported by nature’s cycles– as well as the other members of the group who are often experiencing similar challenges. But it is Beth who makes the magic happen. Through her expertise in kinesiology and repatterning work, she is able to shift our challenges and obstacles into opportunities and openings. I’ve gained more confidence in my journey through Beth’s work, as well as a deepened appreciation for myself and the amazing unseen powers of the Universe.


“With the Lunar Group, I am guided to be present. To be conscious. And, each step that Beth guides us thru helps me to explore what thoughts I’m having, what thoughts I’d rather be having, and to how to begin to move thru it. It’s amazing how what is going on in my life so often mirrors what that week of the Lunar Group is about. I’m always shocked even though it continually happens! I find I move thru thoughts more completely and that I am more conscious in guiding my thoughts which in turn makes me more conscious of my behaviors. And it’s with this group that I found actual change happening in my life.”


about beth

Elizabeth Polito has traveled extensively teaching healing work and Yoga and is passionate about empowering and assisting others in personal transformation. She has worked as a Teaching Assistant/Mentor with The Reconnection, is a Certified Practitioner of Resonance Repatterning, a 500 RYT Certified Yoga Instructor, a Certified Starlight Worker in Llumination the Quest, a Certified Akashic Records Reader, and is trained in several other modalities, including the 111 Activation™ and Matrix Energetics. 

Beth specializes in working with animals and their owners as well as those experiencing major life changes. She is especially proud of her work with those facing terminal diagnosis and end of life concerns.

A Life and Higher Awareness Coach since 2004, Beth works with individuals and groups worldwide. 

In addition to healing work, she has an extensive background and great love for the performing arts. Beth has been dancing, singing and acting since the age of 6 and has performed in musicals on Broadway, on national tours, and internationally. Her skills as a performer have given her a great foundation as a healer. They have deepened her ability to be an exceptional listener, a clear and adaptable speaker, a highly intuitive guide, and most importantly, have taught her to find and include humor whenever possible.