Higher Awareness Coaching
![Chakra Healing Energy](https://www.lunarlightcreations.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/bigstock-Chakra-Healing-Energy-66149185-244x300.jpg)
What does a Higher Awareness Coach do?
A coach works one on one with people to help them transform blocks in their energy field and reconnect with the essence of who they truly are. We work together to identify unconscious beliefs, negative habits, and patterns in your daily life and utilize tools, or modalities, to change those patterns and align with and create what you truly want. We focus on releasing fear and consciously creating from a place of love, trust, forgiveness and compassion. We study the principles of higher awareness (The Laws of the Universe- like the Law of Vibration and Attraction), and use this knowledge to create more happiness, joy and success in your life RIGHT NOW, instead of waiting for something “out there” to do that for you, like a job, a partner, money, a child, or a role in a show.
Beth is certified in multiple modalities, including Resonance Repatterning, so when appropriate she draws from these modalities in order to literally shift your vibrations, or resonance, into a higher energy state of well-being and coherence.
These principles are scientific as well as spiritual, and they do not promote a specific religion or belief system. The work is about reconnecting with your true essence and aligning with your higher power, whatever you perceive that to be. Once you reconnect, the daily stuff that usually stresses you out rolls off of your back more easily, you feel happier, and you become an active participant in the creation of your life experiences. Your mind is the most powerful tool you possess, and when you learn to use your thoughts as creative energy, you begin to see amazing results in your life. The happiness we seek comes from within, and we only need to tap into our own personal power to experience it.
Coaching is not really “teaching” you anything you do not already know, but merely helping you to remember that which is your truth.
How does a coaching session work?
A coaching session lasts approximately one hour and is normally done by phone. Often the modality of Resonance Repatterning is combined with the Higher Awareness coaching, and therefore Applied Kinesiology (or muscle checking) is used with your consent. The session is led by your energetic system, and we work together as a team to identify areas of your life that your Higher Self would like to focus on and heal. The session concludes with assignments, or action steps and tools that are personalized and specific to what comes up during your session.
Phone sessions enable you to work on this material no matter where you are- out of town working, on vacation, or in your apartment. This allows for consistency with the work, and it often provides a sense of safety and ease. Some people are simply more comfortable talking about their lives and goals in their own living room rather than on a couch or chair in an office.
How often do I need a session?
Weekly coaching sessions are recommended (if possible) toward the beginning of our journey together. This is important since the work is new and we are establishing a vocabulary and a new paradigm of thinking. It is important to stay focused and clear, and speaking in detail on a regular basis helps us to do that. Once we have laid the foundation, scheduling a session every other week, or even every third week (depending on the person’s level of self-discipline) is appropriate. Going longer than 3 weeks between session is not recommended. Part of why a coach is helpful is because she makes you accountable. You are far more likely to complete assignments and action steps when you know you have a coach regularly checking in on you. When you do the work, real progress begins.